2014年4月15日 星期二

Hunger strike and fasting

Hunger strike and fasting

喚起多數民眾的關心與支持,一起要求特定當局妥協 。

Shelter Aid Ends Hunger Strike

March 17, 1986|By United Press International.
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WASHINGTON — Homeless advocate Mitch Snyder broke a 33-day hunger strike Sunday when the city accepted a Reagan administration offer that will allow an 800-bed homeless shelter downtown to stay open.
District Mayor Marion Barry announced the federal government will give the shelter`s deed plus $5 million in cash to the city so the dilapidated, rat-infested building can be renovated.
Snyder said the government`s offer falls $2.5 million short of what is needed to fix up the city`s largest shelter, located three blocks from the Capitol.
The federally owned shelter, operated by Snyder`s Community for Creative Non-Violence, was to be closed next month.
Last month, Snyder, 42, vowed to fast until President Reagan took action to keep the shelter open. In 1984, Snyder fasted for 51 days and nearly died trying to get the administration to allot money to refurbish the shelter.
The administration agreed to his request just days before the presidential election but the funding was delayed when Snyder and the government disagreed over how the shelter would be repaired.
Sunday, assistant White House press secretary Denny Brisley said the president is satisfied with the new deal.
``The president is very pleased with today`s agreement that will finally see a proper shelter for the city of Washington`s homeless,`` Brisley said.
``This transfer represents the first step toward ensuring that those in need can find safe haven until each can come to grips with his or her own problems.``
Snyder, looking happy but strained -- he lost 45 pounds during his fast
-- drank split-pea soup from a Styrofoam cup and ate bread at a noon news conference with Mayor Barry.
``My mother raised me to say nice things when somebody does nice things for me, but what I don`t understand is (how Reagan) can give $100 million to the contras in Nicaragua ... when there are people out on the streets here,`` Snyder said. ``I truly do not understand what`s operating.``
Snyder said massive fund raising efforts will get under way for the additional $2.5 million needed for renovations. he said he plans to contribute money he makes from speaking engagements -- about $2,000 a speech.


